The Codex

"Ezio: Codex?"

"Mario: Si, a guide to the inner workings of the order - its origin, purpose and techniques. Our creed, if you will. 
Your father believed the Codex contained a powerful secret. Something that would change the world.
Perhaps it's why they came for him...."

The Codex outlines the Creed in the Assassin's Creed universe. It is an essential part of any discussion on the universe's lore. Asides from this, as a pure work of philosophy, it provides food for thought...

The Codex 1: The Truth

The Codex 2: Grand Mufti of Al-Azhar and the war.

The Codex 3: The anatomy of a Hidden Blade

The Codex 4: The Irony of our Order

The Codex 5: The Ones That Came Before...

The Codex 6: Made anew

The Codex 7: Adha

The Codex 8: Purpose

The Codex 9: Concepts

The Codex 10: A piece of Aden

The Codex 11: Resurrection

The Codex 12: Orbis Terrarum

The Codex 13: Anatomy of an Assassin

The Codex 14: Mankind

The Codex 15: Cyprus Island

The Codex 16: What will be...

The Codex 17: The Flames...

The Codex 18: They must be shown

The Codex 19: Altair's armor

The Codex 20: Pagan faiths

The Codex 21: Poison

The Codex 22: Travel

The Codex 23: Flight of the Eagle

The Codex 24: Family

The Codex 25: Amor

The Codex 26: They will have their prophet

The Codex 27: Let those answers be difficult and complex

The Codex 28: Projectile Combat

The Codex 29: Ghengis Khan

The Codex 30: One last look...

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